When you click the Play button, will it Stop once? Or will it wait for a moment, then go to be Stop status?
Is there any anti virus software in your computer?
Try to run it with administrator right, then check if it works.
I found this error. how can I fix this
Error:The process cannot access the file 'tempaudio.wav' because it is being used by another process.
delete temporary file
output video
processing temporary video end
composite temporary video to video
processing material end
composite audio
processing need to add audio parts
processing need to add tracks parts
I will arrange our programmers to check it. Please wait for the news.
What task are you running when you get this message please?
Is there any special character in Headline? Try to use normal pure English to test if it works.
I use SpinnerCheif software, now I want to buy this Video Tweeter software, please I want to ask, does this software have TEXT animation feature to animate the TEXT in any style, does it have video background feature to use video instead of images and does it have PAN and ZOOM feature for images, video background and text? Thanks.
Sorry, what TEXT animation feature do you need? Any more details?
Almost all functions of the software have been listed on the sales page, you may have a look: